哲学学院/国学院教授、中国传统文化研究中心研究员丁四新于2013年5月17—18日参加了在普林斯顿大学(Princeton University)东亚系召开的“《书经》与中国政治哲学的起源”(The Classic of Documents and the Origins ofChinese Political Philosophy)的学术研讨会(Workshop)。本次会议由柯马丁(Martin Kern, Princeton)教授和麦笛(DirkMeyer, Oxford)教授组织,经费由普林斯顿大学提供。参加会议的学者约有20位,分别来自中国、挪威、德国、以色列、英国和美国。每位主题发言人及讨论为45分钟。会议的主旨:研讨《书经》及相关文献(出土金文、简帛文献),进而探讨中国政治哲学的起源及其内涵。会议的大部分文章或陈述集中在文本研读上,其中文本叙述及比较成为研究的重点。另有部分论文涉及《尚书》的思想及文本叙述本身所具之思想内涵的研究,非常深入。参会论文及PPT文稿见下:
David W. Pankenier (LehighUniversity):Prefaceto Yao dian堯典: Conformingwith Heaven isGovernance(PPT)
Kai Vogelsang (Universität Hamburg): Research on “Gao Yao mo”皋陶謨(PPT)
RobinMcNeal (Cornell University): Spatial Models of the State in Early Chinese Texts: Tribute Networks and the Articulation of Power and Authority inShangshu“Yu gong” andYi Zhou shu“Wang hui”
MartinKern (Princeton University): The“Oaths” (Shi誓) intheClassic of Documents
Christoph Harbsmeier (the University of Oslo): Research“Gaozong rong ri”高宗肜日 (PPT)
Paul Goldin (the Universityof Pennsylvania): Research “Gaozong rongri”高宗肜日(PPT)
丁四新(武漢大學):《尚書·洪範》的文本敍述及其政治哲學/The NarrativeofHong Fanin theClassic of Documentsand its PoliticalPhilosophy
LuoXinhui(BeijingNormal University): The“Jinteng” chapter of theShangshuand Zhou Ancestor Worship (PPT)
MagnusRibbing Gren (Princeton University): The Qinghua “Jinteng” 金縢 Manuscript: WHAT IT DOES NOT TELL US ABOUT THE DUKE OF ZHOU
David Schaberg (California University at Los Angeles):Speaking of Documents:ShuCitations in Warring States Texts
Hans van Ess (the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universityof Munich): Reading “Weizi zhi ming”微子之命(PPT)
朱淵清(上海大學):《顾命》与祼祭/ Transfer of Power(PPT)
Joachim Gentz (theUniversity of Edinburgh): “Duo shi” and “Duo fang”: AChinese anomaly
MichaelHunter (Yale University): “Wu yi無逸?” (“Withoutease?”): An IntegratedShangshuSpeech
Yuri Pines (the HebrewUniversity of Jerusalem): BelaboredMonarch? The “Wu yi” 無逸 Chapter revisited;
Dirk Meyer (the University of Oxford): TheGù mìng顧命 (Testimonial Charge): Text andimagination
Charles Sanft (Arizona University): Reading “The Punishments of Lü”呂刑(PPT)
Maria Khayutina (the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universityof Munich): The “Oath at Bi” chapter oftheShang shuand Western Zhou oath texts
此外,加州大学柏克利分校MichaelNylan教授、哥伦比亚大学李峰教授、普林斯顿大学Benjamin Elman教授、里海大学Connie Cook教授等也参加了本次会议。